
Sök i vår kunskapsbas eller prata med någon av våra experter om du behöver hjälp.
Behöver du hjälp?


Tips: Sök efter termer som rapporter eller WooCommerce
Reports for Dintero Checkout
Reports for Dintero Checkout
Unknown charge by Dintero
Unknown charge by Dintero
Install WooCommerce plugin
Install WooCommerce plugin
Migrate from old to new WooCommerce plugin
Migrate from old to new WooCommerce plugin
Partial capture
Partial capture
API documentation
API documentation
Send Payment link
Send Payment link
Add user in Dintero Backoffice
Add user in Dintero Backoffice
Did not receive invoice (for end-customers)
Did not receive invoice (for end-customers)
Install Magento plugin
Install Magento plugin
Payout missing
Payout missing
Transactions failing
Transactions failing
Change your bank account number
Change your bank account number
Apply for Google Pay
Apply for Google Pay
Create API keys
Create API keys
Payout is not as expected
Payout is not as expected
Express vs Non-Express
Express vs Non-Express
Remove decimals in WooCommerce
Remove decimals in WooCommerce
Duration of authorizations
Duration of authorizations

Kontakta kundsupport

Du kan också ringa oss på +46 104 24 6540 Mån - fre: 10 - 16.
Om du representerar ett företag och vill bli kund, vänligen kontakta Sälj.

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